What a beautiful day!

What a beautiful day!

What a beautiful day!

31 January 2014

After Deception, as said, we sailed to Trinity. There in the bay the first dinghies left the ship even before dropping anchor. There where many icebergs and even with the dinghies it was hard not to get stuck in the ice. But, what we all hoped for, we saw Leopard seals! Several even. After everybody had made a tour of about one and a half hours, with some hot choco to keep warm, the question came who wants to go again; almost everybody! So we just kept going. With the last tour an iceberg turned, close to one of the dinghies, so a bit of water entered the boat. But luckily it was far away, so nothing bad happened.
At Trinity we left under sail and set course further south. All night we saw Humpback whales and some Orcas, but this would be nothing compared to what happened later that day. After a short visit at the sunken ship ‘Gouvernøren’, a nice lunch on deck and on our way to Cuverville, the spectacle started: Orcas everywhere! At first we saw a few in the distance on port side, but just when we wanted to change our course we saw even more on the other side. Two groups of at least ten each came by and we were able to follow them for a while. Everybody on deck and click, click, click, click. When these groups went on we thought we saw a few Orcas attacking a Humpback whale, so we went that way. Once we were there it were ‘just’ some Orcas, but once again some beautiful pictures of these fine animals.
After the whole Orca party, we went on in the direction of Cuverville and dropped anchor there during the early part of dinner. After we had had dinner, everybody went into the dinghies again for a nice evening walk on the island. Many enjoyed the beautiful sunset, or should I say sun disappearing behind the mountains? And a few went for a walk up the mountain to enjoy the beautiful scenery from the top. The only negative I can think of for today was that the Zeiss needle, famous from the Zeiss commercials, was covered in clouds. In short: what a beautiful day!