Yalour Island and Port Charcot

Yalour Island and Port Charcot

Yalour Island and Port Charcot

4 February 2014

After a late breakfast because of the penguin party the night before, we visited Yalour Island. This place is known for the Adelie penguins. We embarked the dinghies and upon arrival the island was full with sweet (and a bit smaller) penguins. The chicks were quite big already and standing together in small groups (like small day-care centers) while their moms and dads were out getting food to feed the kids. The difference between the older and younger chicks is quite clear, the younger ones are still really fuzzy and the older ones are getting their waterproof outfit and only have some fuzz here and there. Before we set course for Port Lockroy we spend the night at Port Charcot, close to a huge glacier. Like on many nights during this trip the weather is beautiful and we enjoy the view on deck while once in a while big pieces of the glacier fall into the water.