Beagle Channel

Beagle Channel

Beagle Channel

15 February 2014

Thursday afternoon it was boarding time for the long voyage back towards Rotterdam. We will pass the Falkland Islands, Ascension Island and the Açores. On the day of departure it is, wonder o wonder, the most beautiful summer day in Ushuaia this season. The fact that there is no wind at all does not bother anyone yet. While waiting for bunkers and some lost luggage we discuss the journey ahead of us. When will we be where, what to expect, but above all: how hot will it be. All possibilities are considered, but for now we are still far south and better expect cold winds than tropical heat.
On board we are with 22 persons in 6 nationalities. The youngest crew member is 19, the oldest 67.
With the pilot on board on our way ‘out’ we take some time to get to know the ship, the people, the sails and the safety issues a bit better. As soon as the pilot disembarked we dropped anchor in order to sail in daylight next day along the coast of Tierra del Fuego and through the Lemaire Strait. After that, there is the long voyage over the ocean, with at the end Rotterdam, homeport of this sturdy lady.