On our way to Cape Verde!

On our way to Cape Verde!

On our way to Cape Verde!

13 November 2014

We are on our way again, the voyage from Valencia to Cape Verde has begun!
As soon as everyone arrived onboard, we took off. We wanted as much time as possible to leave the Mediterranean Sea. We set sail very quickly and sailed around 7,5 knots through the smooth water. And because the wind is not favourable the next few days, this was a nice surprise! Up until Cabo de la Nao we were sailing with the wind, but then the wind turned and we had to start the engine.
On this moment, enjoying the morning sun, the sails and ropes are explained to our guest crew. Most of them are old acquaintances and the rest of them are experienced sailors, so everything is easily understood.
Now we have to wait what the wind is going to do. We are sailing in a straight line towards Cabo de Palos (south-east corner of Spain), but if the wind is increasing, we will have to go under the coast because the wind will make a (slight) angle there, and will not be against us. We will be able to keep some sails up and keep up the speed. Also the water will be smooth under the coast, which also is positive for our speed.
We shall see.