


18 March 2015

Update of Tuesday 17th of March by Jan: 
“The two shades of grey Sieb wrote about yesterday have gotten a shade of blue to accompany them. Above us you can somewhat see the sun shine through and the sky is lightly blue. The view is very restricted around us. What didn’t change is that it is cold on deck. The program for this voyage told us we could expect to see a lot of ships in the English Channel. According to the AIS they are there indeed, but due to the limited view of about 1,5 miles, we cannot sight the ships. Only when a ship passes at a very short distance we can see it. That is to bad, because it would make our time on deck much more interesting. Meanwhile we continue our voyage. Just after 16.00 hours we passed the 1-degree west longitude. It won’t be long before we enter the Eastern Hemisphere. Home is getting closer. Although nobody wants an end to this voyage, the end is nearly there. Among the trainees there is a lot of speculation about day, time and final destination.”