27 Jun Kieler Woche
Kieler Woche
27 June 2016
It’s almost the end of the Kieler Woche again. It was a busy week for the ship this year. Almost every day a day trip and an evening trip. In between we clean, scrub the deck and put everything in place for the next trip. A few groups have been on board for a trip for several years but we also have a few new ones. Tuesday a DJ and two musicians joined the ship so the ‘Oosterschelde’ was sailing as a disco boat through the Förde.
‘Oosterschelde’ lived up to her name and sailed fully rigged between the many ships on the water, causing a lot of sailing maneuvers for the crew, making them an even better team and the guests notice this and it’s being highly appreciated.
Tonight we have to transform the ship back for ‘normal’ trips. Rearrange the galley, dinghy on deck, clean the cabins and build the salon back. Tomorrow at 10AM we expect our new trainees for the next leg, to Delfzijl.