Half way

Half way

Half way

15 March 2017

It seems that we have won the battle to stay ahead of the area with little wind! The past few days the speed has dropped a bit, but was still very good. With 6-7 knots you can’t really complaint, but because we went so fast for so long it now seems like we are not making a lot of progress. 
The wind has shifted a bit so we had to change our course to broad reach. With less pressure in the sails and high waves the sails started banging. We decided to change our rigging that was more suitable for a downwind course and we set the course, topsail, top gallant sail and mainsail. Over the last hours, it changed a bit again and we took away the course, top gallant sail and outer jib. We are racing across the ocean. Tonight, we will be half way already and the forecasts look good as the wind will stay. As we are going this fast we are looking if there would be enough time to make a nice stop on one of the islands along the way.