24 Jan Dolphins
24 January 2018
The new journey has begun. After a quiet first night on board, it was time to leave. We hoisted the anchors and set the first sails. Soon a pod of dolphins came by, so the rest of the sails had to wait. Sailing is fun, but apparently seeing dolphins is even better…
There was a strong wind in the morning and a small kestrel struggled to fly to the land. Several times the bird tried to get there, but after a few minutes of flying, he gave up and returned to our rig to take a break. Finally, he flew away and we did not see him return, so we hope he has made it.
In the beginning of the afternoon the wind decreased and we could set more sail. Meanwhile, we sail over a calm ocean, lit by the stars and a small waxing moon. We expect to arrive in the early morning in Tarrafal, on the island of Santiago.