


7 March 2018

We are sailing! Finally, after the first days on engine we hoisted the sails and all we hear now is the ocean. This means our lazy life has come to an end too. First, we could freewheel a bit through the day, sleeping, eating, reading, mingling, but now we have to get to work! The watch system is in full swing. Three teams, red, white and blue rotate. Four hour on, eight hours off, 24 hours per day. During the watch we are at the helm, help scrub the deck, sand, paint, hoisting the sails etc. 
But in between there is time for entertainment. Movies about sailing trips (of course), lectures from our fellow passengers, for example about brewing Belgian beer or Aristarchus. The first birthday has bene celebrated and there are four to follow. Tomorrow we have our half way party, because we are already half way on our way to St Martin. 
Watching over the endless, blue ocean we realise how small we are and that is quite magnificent that we can sail on this beautiful ship under full sail crossing the ocean.