Last night we arrived at Boa Vista. There was less wind than the expected 6 beaufort and despite the reefs in the sails we made...
We are having great weather all week. Sun, temperature of about 25 degrees and last but definitely not least: a nice 4Bft wind. Enough to ...
With a relatively small group we have left Palmeira. What we were lacking in muscle is compensated by good weather. ...
Because everyone on board is participating in the watch system, most people know their way around the ship in a few days....
We are always trying to improve our voyages, and also the excursions we do on shore. So, we have tried a few new things on Santiago. ...
Because Cape Verde is situated in the middle of the ocean, we always have a good chance to spot whales. And if there are no whales, at least...
We started our next trip. And with a new trip we welcome new guests. And with new guests we get new wishes. This trip we have a few guests that...