


19 March 2020

A few days sailing with with the motor is not very exciting and slowly gets boring, at least to me. To keep everyone busy, we regularly organize classes on deck. After all, we are a ‘Sailtraining Vessel’. Subjects as meteorology, stability and the theory of sailing have passed and other subjects are constantly being discussed. For example the history of the VOC, how do you determine the time based on stars and even subjects as brewing beer and Patagonia have passed.

Today we came up with something new: last night we made a list with about 80 abbreviations that we use on board regularly. Some of these are nautical abbreviations and others are specific for the OOSTERSCHELDE. We have things like; RADAR, ODAS, WGS, GMDSS. But also abbreviations as PGNP, MM, JW, BMF…

The first answers are handed in and they are very nice! Of course there are also points to be earned for incorrect but funny answers. For example, UKHO is written out as UK, Hang On! and ARPA as Anti Racist Party Arnhem.

Somewhere in the next few days we will drop anchor. Then we will do a quiz with sensible and of course non sensible questions. Seeing the answers we already received, this is going to be a pleasant evening!

At see, we have seen so many dolphins, Gannets and Kittiwakes that nobody seems to notice them anymore. Yesterday a whale was swimming near the boat, luckily, that never gets boring! We expect to raise the sails again early tomorrow morning. We will sail north along the French coast.