Update Jonathan

Update Jonathan

Update Jonathan

15 February 2021

Often I joke that in between sailing trips I am retired in Portugal. I have been enjoying the Portuguese retirement life thoroughly this winter, with some friends and nice neighbours. I can’t imagine a better place to be in lock down. But after four months of sweet water showers, I think my skin has forgotten about salt. And after 4 months of workouts to keep fit. My hands seem to have forgotten about ropes and I have more difficulty to motivate myself to work out. I’m starting to feel a bit restless and energized and at the same time a bit bored. A feeling my fellow sailors will be very familiar with.

So I bought a punching bag and some gloves and almost everyday I ventilate my energy on that as a workout. And besides that I got into meditating everyday half an hour or an hour. And that together with the boxing bag does a lot to stay more or less focused and patient… It is important I think as the lockdowns are being prolonged, ships are staying port, and people are working from home and staying inside because its cold. That we find ways to keep a healthy rhythm for ourselves and stay positive.

With a lot of time on my hands I have taken it upon myself to learn the Portuguese language. This goes with ups and downs. Because for example the Portuguese seem to forget half of a word that is written down when they speak it… There is improvement though slowly, so I keep going at it. In between all the mumbling, ão’s and shhh’s more and more words are starting to appear!

But before the spring really kicks in here, I really hope to be far away at sea somewhere with my face full of salt and some ropes in my hands… Together with some seagulls that never heard of any covid.

Saudações cordiais,
