05 Apr Moroccan coast
5 April 2022
Morrocan coast
Anyway, let’s talk about the weather! It is now known that it hasn’t been always beautiful weather during our voyage. After a few weeks at sea, it is always nice to have a stop in prospect. Since we are behind schedule, and we have had to use the engine.a lot, we have planned a stop at Gibraltar. We’ll use the stop for bunkering and some guests will disembark. The only thing left is how to get there…
Due to the high waves and unfavorable easterly wind, we turned around to drop anchor off the Moroccan coast, near a lot of fishing boats that were clearly hiding too. Once we got here, we were told not to anchor within 12nM of shore. However, even further from the coast it becomes too deep for our anchor chain, so anchoring was no longer an option.
We descended even further along the coast, hoping to anchor somewhere else. Our eye had fallen on Larache, just outside Tangier. Once we were here, we were welcomed by a RHIB from the Navy. After checking all papers and a tour on deck, we were kindly escorted to a spot where we could drop our anchor. Absolutely great!
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