Cruise in Company

Cruise in Company

19 July 2022

Cruise in Company

On Saturday, the new guests came on board in Harlingen for the Cruise in Company-voyage to Antwerp. Everyone enjoyed an evening of Tall Ships Festival! It all got more serious on Sunday, with an extensive safety briefing, quickly followed by a story about the different sails and ropes on board. Afterwards, there was some time to walk past the other ships or to quickly get some ‘forgotten stuff’ at the supermarket. Just after lunch it was our time to leave during the Sail-Out. We released the lines and started setting sail as quickly as possible, in front of the large crowd. The quays and piers were full of spectators and just outside the harbor were many boats to watch the ships pass by. Always nice to see all those enthusiastic people!

From Harlingen we sailed to the north to pass through the offshore port between Vlieland and Terschelling. There we stopped the engine and the real sailing began. The wind was very light and decreased even further, slowly but surely making us a plaything for the current, which pulled us to the northeast. In order not to go too far in the wrong direction, we dropped anchor and waited for the turn. When the current started to move in the right direction, a light wind came up again, so we could continue on our way.

This morning we sail between the oil platforms and we have just tacked, again a little closer to the Dutch coast. The plan is to follow the coast to the south with light winds. On Wednesday we will make a stop at Vlissingen, to spice up the maritime festival with our presence and especially to let the guests experience this too!


Text: Captain Maarten
Photo: Nicol Taal