

27 June 2024


The fresh fruit, the bunches of bananas on deck, the stories; everything still reminds us of Pitcairn. But we are already on our way to Rikitea in the Gambier Islands. It will be our first port in French Polynesia. Very curious to see what we will see there!  The weather is still very changeable. Yesterday we had , unannounced but very welcome, a – as they say – running breeze. Then came showers again with much, much rain and now the wind is gone completely for a while.  The swell is still there, though, so occasionally we make weird hauls. Later tonight, we expect the wind to come back from the southeast. With that, we can head downwind to Rikitea. This southeast wind starts hesitantly, but it looks like it will keep increasing over the next few days to , maybe, wind force 7. We shall see.