Blue paradise

Blue paradise

16 July 2024

Blue paradise

After a long grey day with lots of rain and wind shifts, we were rewarded yesterday with perhaps the most beautiful sailing day in weeks. A blue sky with friendly clouds, bright sunshine, an almost flat sea and a gentle breeze. Without it seeming to take any effort, we ran at speeds of around 8 knots all day and had a fantastic sunset for dessert. At night too, we sailed nicely and only for the last bit to our destination Fakarava we had to use the engine.

Even our calculations seemed correct because when we entered the atoll via the north pass at around 7.30 in the morning, the water was slack and without much effort we sailed through the wide pass to a really fantastic anchorage near the village of Rotoava. The village is on the northeast side of this huge atoll. And yes, it looks just as you would draw it out, with little houses on stilts by the water, Frigate birds in the sky, a scorching sun, the most beautiful shades of blue and green water and white beaches with overhanging coconut palms.

Just after we dropped anchor, we all dived into the lagoon for a while. Now we will explore what there is to do on land.