No wind

No wind

19 July 2024

No wind

Little to no wind was forecast for the next few days.  For the following days a brisk northwest wind slowly turning south. Not necessarily what we need, as Tahiti, our final destination is some 220 miles south-west of us. But since we didn’t feel like having to motor that distance, we decided to head to the neighbouring Toau atoll. We weigh anchor at six and sailed through the beautifully blue lagoon to the pass. There turned out to be a welcome breeze after all and soon all the sail was set. The plan was to cruise up to Toau pass and arrive there with slack water. The dinghy was still hanging in the davit and under these conditions everyone, now on the high seas, was able to make a photo tour around the ship. Before we knew it, we were doing 6 knots and decided to change our plan, tack and start the crossing to Tahiti after all.

That choice did not turn out badly. For the past 24 hours, we have been sailing wonderfully with speeds of up to 8 knots. Meanwhile, the forecast westerly wind has arrived and we are now motor-sailing the final miles. Our new destination is the island of Morea, not far from Tahiti. In the famous Cook Bay, we hope to have a beautiful day tomorrow with the added benefit of being out at sea with the predicted strong winds.