Changing winds and sails

Changing winds and sails

10 November 2024

Changing wind and sails

The first week on the Tasman sea has been relatively calm. Of course we have been rolling and heeling a bit, but the weather was pleasant enough to stay dry on deck. Most of us had expected this area of sea to be a bit rougher. And surely enough on the 7th day of our journey the wind picked up and the swell started building. This change in weather meant action on deck! The gaff sails had to be reefed and the outer jib and upper topsail were tied on tightly in their gaskets. It is amazing to see the surrounding change completely with a change of wind speed.

Now the skies were overcast, the light rain came in side ways and the spray was flying over the middeck (and occasionally even over the helmsman). We reached 8 knots and more sailing through the night and the ship started humming. This is proper sailing fun! After about 24 hours of wind force 5-6 the wind eased off again.

Today we had a big wind and sail change again. The night started out with low winds and high swells, so very soon the gaff sails were lowered and the engine had to help us to keep some speed. But before the sun had fully risen we felt stronger wind and the swell was decreasing. Quickly we hoisted the sails and before breakfast we were enjoying the swift sailing in southerly winds. Our efforts were rewarded with a small pod of dolphins joining us for a short while.

After another wind shift during lunch the wind is now blowing from the east, so the sails we had hoisted in the morning did not allow as to head the correct direction towards Sydney anymore… the next big sail change had us swap from all the fore and aft sails to only square sails. With the wind from the stern we are now sailing a bit slower, but in a direct line for our goal. Another 300 miles to go and we will be there!