Peter Paul Klapwijk is mate on the 'Helena' and he has kept a log of the preparations for the first sailing day. He writes...
After the king's visit, all attention is focused on the ships again. The ‘Oosterschelde’ is home for a few days and of course we...
Spring is still waiting, but on the 'Helena' we are confident that it will come soon and we are working hard. All spars...
We therefore chose a slightly wider route, but still a nice shortcut, just on the east side of Ouessant: Passage du Fromveur. ...
Nature also cooperated: we spotted whales several times! The first time in a voyage is always the most special and...
We have sailed wonderfully the past few days and made good progress. The wind continued to blow from the south-...
For the next few days, the forecast is that the wind will continue to blow strongly from the south-southwest and so we expect to be able...
Did you miss the Q&A session on the 1st of April? You can check the recording here. In this session we will introduce new members of the...