
Trainee Jan ten Dam sends another update:
"We are still sailing and are making good speed on course. We still have about 240 miles to go and with this speed we'll arrive...

Jan ten Dam keeps us updated:
"With a partly new crew we sailed out of Santa Cruz and left Tenerife. As soon as we left the harbour, the first sails were up. Under a ...

Crew and office crew of 'Oosterschelde' wish you all a very happy New Year!...

Jan ten Dam reports:
“We are still under full sail. After our departure from Cascais we have been able to sail all the 500 nautical miles since and were making headway...

We are sailing and it's great, the temperature is slowly rising. Today we reached 20 degrees, so the sweaters can go back into our bags. It looks like there will be (a bit...

Update from Jan ten Dam:
“Christmas dinner was a big success. A few guests even toasted with a glass of wine and to make the dinner complete a coffee with Tia Maria ...

Jan ten Dam continues: “24 December, Christmas Eve and on board we are getting more and more into the Christmas mood. Since a few days we have a Christmas tree and once in...

As expected we did not get the right wind to sail across Biscay so we went on engine. But this does not mean it’s boring! Regularly we see dolphins playing around our bow....

Update from trainee Jan ten Dam (19 december): "Exactly 5 days after departure from Rotterdam we have arrived in Falmouth. There is almost no wind and the sky is blue...

After a long period of maintenance it was a very good feeling to be able to cast off and go sailing! The forecast was less exciting and predicted strong winds on the North...